Tuesday, July 28, 2009

WARNING: Randomness ahead!!

OMG! OMG! OMG! Did you know that there are 2 things you can no longer buy on ebay? That's right only 2 things, (well besides perhaps, a child.) that cannot be bought or sold on ebay anymore, meaning at one point you could purchase these things on ebay! So, what are these items I speak of you may ask? SOILED UNDERWEAR, AND HUMAN BODY PARTS!!!! OMG OMG and did I mention OMG! I tell ya I'm really disappointed, I mean just yesterday I was telling Jennie that I really wanted a new pair of used stank panties, and a new ear! Now what am I gunna do?!?!?!? LOL that kills me... told you it was random.


  1. This is just to freaking funny! I was going to buy a new arm, you know just in case the one that I have falls off or something, you just never really know! I guess we will just have to go to Craig's List

  2. WOW I can't believed I missed out on the sale of human body parts and soiled underwear, what a major bummer! NOT! I can't believe anyone would A: sell either of these items or worse B: actually bid on and purchase one of those items! Seriously some people are whacked!

  3. LOL, weren't Brittany Spears panties for sale on ebay at one time. I mean I wouldn't be suprised, but seriously I think they were.

    I guess there goes peoples plans of buying human organs and limbs to use for themselves. Maybe this will reduce the kidnapping and murdering that happens in foreign countries for the sale of organs. Sad but true.

    BTW, I actually know people who would buy Britany's panties. Sad but also true.
