Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life according to the

This is a hoot! Go to and type in your answers to each of these 10 questions into the search box. Then post the first definition it gives you, even if it doesn't match up!! This is TOO fun...

1. your Name?
Jennifer - a fun, outgoing person. generally smart but can be a total blond at times. someone who likes meeting new people, and smiles a lot. a person who never would just turn on people. a very good friend. someone you can trust. when she's mad, stand clear she might blow her top. but a person who doesn't get mad easily so you don't have to worry about that.
she always smiles!she is such a Jennifer.

2. Your Age?
24 - 24, The Jack Bauer Power Hour. The most entertainment you can stuff into a single day. Full of twists, turns, violence, and Elisha Cuthbert.
I had all kinds of work to do, but I decided to watch 24 instead

3. Your Best Friends?
Jennie - short for Jennifer. Cute and shy but outgoing when you really know her. A best friend anyone can ever have. Trustworthy. Sometimes self-conscious but sometimes vain. All around good person.

4. Occupation?
CNA - 1. A person who cares for those who can't do it for themselves 2. The person who takes care of your Grammy when your parents dump her in the nursing home.

5. Favorite Color?
Pink - Pink*The New Red!

6. Favorite Vacation Spot?
Pigeon Forge - Places such as the Blue Ridge Mountains, Pigeon Forge, and Myrtle Beach are considered to be the ultimate vacation spots for southeastern rednecks. (and I'm darn proud of it too!!)

7. What Month Were Your Born?
March - Month in which creative, layed-back, dreamy, cool people were born.
She was born in march so she is creative, layed-back, dreamy and cool.

8. Name of Someone You Love?
Shaun - An amazing person someone you'll never forget. Someone strong and wise. He might not always be serious or very nice but he will always try to be doing the right things. Very strong and intelligent. Is there when you need him. A jerk at times but he will always make up for it. And a very good looking person as well.

9.Where Are You Right Now?
Home - 1) A web sites index or start page. 2) where you live.

10. Your Nickname?
Jen - Most likely the best name to have, ... ever. If you haven't been blessed with this name, its OK. You'll get over it :D

Leave me a comment if your going to give us your life story according to the I can't wait to see what definitions ya'll get. LOL

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